Our Rotary Foundation
Consider Giving the Gift of Peace

The Rotary Club of Americus used a District Grant to donate computers to the local Boys and Girls Club. See the story in this newsletter.

The Rotary Club of Americus used a District Grant to donate computers to the local Boys and Girls Club. See the story in this newsletter.

Paulding County Rotary is having a breakout year in support of The Rotary Foundation with the addition of many new Paul Harris Fellows and a Major Donor. Pictured: PDG Roy Strickland, new Major Donor Mark Caffrey and Dean Olson.

Paulding County Rotary is having a breakout year in support of The Rotary Foundation with the addition of many new Paul Harris Fellows and a Major Donor. Pictured: PDG Roy Strickland, new Major Donor Mark Caffrey and Dean Olson.

Global Grant Scholar Sean and Amy Minton volunteered to walk with Rotarians from London in the Lord Mayor's Show on 9 November.  For those that are not familiar, this is a traditional parade that dates back to 1215 A.D. with King John, and one that has evolved into a quite pompous ceremony (think Macy's Day Parade size).  Each year the newly appointed Lord Mayor of London processes through the city in a stagecoach that is more than 250 years old.  City businesses, charities, marching bands and armed forces, etc. all join in for a parade that spans the city center along a 2-mile route. You can see by the tabbard Sean is wearing (on the left in the above photo), that the appearance in the parade also raised awareness for Rotary's campaign to end polio.  The Lord Mayor's Show is broadcast on the BBC network, and is attended by nearly 500,000 Londoners and tourists.

Global Grant Scholar Sean and Amy Minton volunteered to walk with Rotarians from London in the Lord Mayor's Show on 9 November. For those that are not familiar, this is a traditional parade that dates back to 1215 A.D. with King John, and one that has evolved into a quite pompous ceremony (think Macy's Day Parade size). Each year the newly appointed Lord Mayor of London processes through the city in a stagecoach that is more than 250 years old. City businesses, charities, marching bands and armed forces, etc. all join in for a parade that spans the city center along a 2-mile route. You can see by the tabbard Sean is wearing (on the left in the above photo), that the appearance in the parade also raised awareness for Rotary's campaign to end polio. The Lord Mayor's Show is broadcast on the BBC network, and is attended by nearly 500,000 Londoners and tourists.

December is our time to give to others. Doesn’t it feel great to give someone a gift that makes them smile and their face light up with joy? You feel good because you made someone so happy.

Let’s work together to help bring that peace, smile and happiness to those in need. No, we will not get to meet them or see them smile but our good deeds should warm our hearts. We can do this by making a donation to Our Rotary Foundation.

By donating to the Annual Fund, the money will come back in three years to do District Grants, or Global Grants or maybe even Global Scholars. By donating to Polio Plus, we can keep a child from being paralyzed and rejected by others. We can keep the disease from spreading back around the world.

So let’s all work together to provide Peace through Service. Working together we can help make our world a more peaceful world. A world where people don’t go to bed hungry. A world where people have access to medical care. A world where all people can read and write. A world where there is fresh water and economic development so people can care for themselves and their family. Wouldn’t this be a great world for all of us?

If you would like to discuss giving to the Foundation, please contact me at cgrotarydg1213@aol.com.

Thank you for all that you do and will do.

Happy Holidays

Posted by Cheryl Greenway
December 9, 2019


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