2023/2024 District Awards

The district will award for the District Governor’s Citation, Best All-Around Club and Runner Up for Best All Around Club (per club category). The determination for each club category for BEST ALL AROUND CLUB and RUNNER UP FOR BEST ALL AROUND CLUB will be determined by a combination of the scores received for the District Governor’s Citation, scores received for service projects and source data from Rotary Club Central/District Website and RI report data concerning documented club goals achieved.

Club Categories

Club categories are based on membership numbers as of July 1, 2023 and establish the basis for the District Club categories based on size:
Category I: 1-30
Category II: 31-59
Category III: 60-99
Category IV: 100+


Each Club is encouraged to submit the following:

  2. SERVICE PROJECTs via the RI Rotary Club Central Goal Center and the District web page.

All Reports will be submitted electronically.


  1. Club of the Year & Club Runner Up of the Year: Awarded to the clubs that demonstrates the highest overall quality club, District and Rotary International programs, membership, service, club administration and foundation giving. Source of data will be Rotary.org. Rotary Club Central/District Website Data reports and documented club goals achieved.
  2. Best Foundation: Awarded to the clubs that demonstrates the highest overall quality Foundation programs, EREY, Sustaining Members, Major Donors, Bequest Society, Benefactors, Peace Scholars, Paul Harris Society, PolioPlus, Endowment & other foundation giving. Rotary Club Central/District Website Data, Data Rotary International reports, documented goals achieved and Club Reports as of Feb 28th, 2024.
  3. Best Membership: Membership vitality is critical to a club’s health & success. Areas such a growth, retention and engagement of members will be important factors in being selected for this award. Source of data will be Rotary Club Central/District Website, Rotary International reports, documented goals identified and achieved as of Feb 28th, 2024.
  4. Best Public Image: Awarded to the clubs who have pro-actively promoted their club activities, community involvement and the ideals of Rotary International.
  5. Best Service Project: The Service portion of Rotary is a major theme for every club. Determine and submit your BEST Service projects. Recognition will be given for the following Best Service Opportunities: (A) Community Service (B) Vocational (C) Family of Rotary (D) International Service (E) Youth Service.  Source of data will be documented service projects, documented project information on Rotary Club Central & District Website Data and documented goals achieved. Best practice to achieve your goals is to enter District Website first and then cut and paste to Rotary Club Central.

If you have issues or questions, please contact the District 2023-2024 Awards Chair PDG Fran Milberg at  franbmilberg@gmail.com or DG André at amarria8@gmail.com. For Web site questions or issues, please email our webmaster Alec Smythe at asmythe@teamforte.com.

Governor’s Citation

Click here... to go to the Governor’s Citation page... - Click the pencil icon next to your club to enter your Governor’s Citation results for 2023/2024. You must score at least 160 points to earn the Citation.

Service Project Entry

 Click here...- Click the pencil icon next to your club to enter your Service Projects. SAVE YOUR ENTRIES. 


This year the district will make the following awards. Visit the awards page for details.

  • District 6900 Meritorious Service Award
  • District 6900 Rotarian of the Year Award
  • District 6900 Sheffield Award
  • William A. Watt Memorial Award
  • Frank E. Bentley, Sr. Leadership Award
  • Jake Cheatham Memorial Award
  • Albert D. and Esther I. Thomson Award
  • Al Daniel Membership Awa

It’s time to submit your club’s 2023-2024 Rotary service projects.  You will need to enter and save all your club’s service projects by 5:00 PM on March 1st, 2024.  Your service projects will be evaluated and scored by the District Assistant Governors. Your service project score will be combined with other scores to determine the District Club of the Year and Runner Up!  

Enter club service projects ONCE. If a project is a recurring (weekly, monthly, quarterly, other) project, list it once, enter/summarize all projects dates and relevant information under one project report. Recurring/redundant or project updates will not be evaluated or scored.

To access the club service project reports please see the following:

  1. Logon to the District web site - rotary6900.org for evaluating and scoring.
  2. On the district home page click on the gold Projects Button just below the blue banner.
  3. On the Projects page select your club from the dropdown menu below the headline. That will reduce the list to your club’s projects.
  4. Use the CREATE Button just to the right of the headline to add new projects for your club.  Complete each data entry box and save your initial data entry when complete.
  5. To update an existing project on your list, click the pencil icon, Use the eyeball icon to view the project or the trashcan icon to delete a project. 
  6. Ensure you have SAVED your work before leaving the page to enter the next project for entry.

This site will remain open to each club until 5:00 PM on March 1st, 2024. This deadline is required to fulfill final awards processing, preparations and engraving for District Conference.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either PDG Fran Milberg @ fmilberg@rose.net or PDG Raymond Ray @ rtrayjr@aol.com.   

Updated by Alec Smythe
January 24, 2024 2:49 pm

It’s almost time to evaluate 2023-2024 Rotary club service projects. We will need all the service projects evaluated and marked completed on the district web site by 8 am on ______________________________.  Time really is of the essence, and we need your experience to identify the Club of the Year and Runner Up!  

In order to prepare our District Conference Awards to meet established due dates, we are requesting our AG's evaluate and score a number of service projects submitted by our clubs. Your scores determine all Service Awards, Club of The Year and Club Runner Up of the Year. You will have seven days to Judge the clubs’ submitted Service Projects for this year’s Awards. 

Determination of District Service Project awards, Club of the Year and Club Runner-Up of the Year depends on each of you.

To access the service project evaluations please see the following:

  1. Logon to the District web site - rotary6900.org for evaluating and scoring.
  2. On the district home page blue banner, click on the Rotary wheel to the right of the word Clubs. 
  3. Look for “Projects" (3rd column from the left) then click on "Evaluations”. You will be taken to the PROJECT EVALUATION page. Here's the link: Evaluations
  4. There you will find the block “Evaluators”. Choose your name from the filter box at the top of the Evaluators column. That will reduce the list to just those projects you need to evaluation. (The system may have already done this for you.)
  5. For each of your projects, click the pencil (update) icon at the end of the row. Read about the project, then score the project 1 (low rating) to 10 (high rating) for each factor. Score each project as if it has been completed. Score only the project, do not score updates or recurring projects.
  6. When completed scoring, update the status to COMPLETED and click the blue SAVE button just below the status selector.

This site will remain open to you until 8 am on _______________________________.  This deadline is required to fulfill final awards processing, preparations and engraving for District Conference.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at _______________________or email: _______________________.   

Updated by Alec Smythe
January 24, 2024 2:58 pm

Page Resources:

Updated by Alec Smythe
January 27, 2024 11:43 am